Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Lessons Learned by Random International Surgical Interns" Vol. 1

I just graduated from a very international medical school, The Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI for short).  

About 80% of my colleagues hailed from around the world (only 20% of my class was Irish).  I have asked my various associates who just started "interning" to send me "lessons" that they have learned since starting their internship just a few months ago.  

So, compiled from all around the world by newly graduated doctors who are now "minty fresh interns......"

Educated Nobody proudly presents...  

"Lessons Learned by Random International  Surgical Interns"

Lesson 1: "Newly instituted Hospital Visitor Infection Control" 

Dear Educated Nobody, 

A completely bald man entered the hospital reception and sterilised his hands with the Spirigel.  The man then proceeded to rub the alcohol gel into his shiny scalp.  6 years of medical school and I am quite unhappy that  this "New" sterilizing technique was never taught to me before I became a Surgical Intern.

p.s.  You know I have great hair.

Lesson 2:  "Tricksyness lives in the Radiology Department"

Dear Educated Nobody, 

The key code to the x-ray department so you can sneak into and schedule a CT that was rejected by the radiologist three times. (the pass code is 4,3,2,1)

Lesson 3: "Why take the Stairs?"

Dear Educated Nobody, 

The key code to the consultants lift (elevator for your Americans) is 1,2,3,4.

Lesson 4: "Monks On Call.  Seriously!"

Dear Educated Nobody, 

Did you know that your hospital may have a monk on call?  I had no idea.  If you bleep the right, or in my case wrong bleep number,  You may find yourself having to answer to a holy man in brown robes and sandals!  I had no idea! He was nice though.

Lesson 5: "I realize I suck at IV cannulation"

Dear Educated Nobody, 

After 6 years of medical school and 4 weeks of being a surgical intern, I am still not as capable as an "IV user" in putting in a venus cannula (He put it in his first try for me.  I had stuck him twice.  Sorry!  Regardless, we were both pleased with his result rather than mine).

More to come later I am sure, 

- E.N.

(image courtesy of

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