Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Intellectual kleptomania: USMLE step 2 CS

I love the word mnemonics and I love Kleptomania. I usually steal whenever I can. Well, not really but a man can dream! Below is a list of mnemonics that are from the website http://csprotocol.blogspot.com/. He has a great site over there and I suggest you check it out. Unfortunately you have to do some digging for his mnemonics. I have just typed a few that are great. These are not my mnemonics, I don't take credit for them but man are they helpful for the USMLE Step 2 CS. Feel free to highlight and paste these onto a word document. Be sure to visit http://csprotocol.blogspot.com/ The work he has done there deserves serious props. He answers questions that people ask. He even answers the really dumb questions seriously.

Impotence questions to ask Step 2 CS "LIMP PENIS"
Libido changes?
Medications Beta blockers?
Past medical history: HTN, DM, Vasc
Prostate, performance anxiety?
Erection at all?
Nocturnal erection?
Stress, Depression?

Hematochezia differntial- which is the passage of bright red blood and not to be confused with Melana. "DRAIN"
Rectal bleed aka piles fissures
Angiodysplasia + anal sex
Inflammatory bowl disease Ulcerative Colitis & Crohns, Ischaemic colitis + injury

Chest Pain questions to ask is "CHEST P"
Cough? Haemoptysis? Emesis, diahrea, Oedema sacral or ankle? Temp change, tender chest, tender legs? Palpitations?

Headahe differential diagnosis list
Increased ICP
Tension headache, Temporal arteritis
AV malformations
Cluster headache
Eye disorders

Questions to ask in a domestic violence case "SAFE GARD"
Safe at home?
Afraid of husband?
Family or friends know?
Emergency plan?

Guns at home?
Alcohol use?
Relationship with husband?
Drugs or depression?

This last one is something that I found useful. Its just a list of questions that are used to take a sexual history in a logical way. I always thought asking "are you married" never really got to the point.

1)are you sexually active?
2)How many partners do you have
3)are your partners male or female?
4)do You use protection?
5)If you use protection what type do you use?
6)How frequently do you use it?

Ok thats it for now. Enjoy those. I have found them very useful.

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